When Your Insurer Is Not Keeping Its Promises, We Can Help

You buy an insurance policy to help when times get tough or disaster strikes. If your home is destroyed by a fire, a disaster destroys your business or an automobile collision affects your ability to work, you rely on the insurance company to pay the benefits you purchased.

Sometimes, that doesn’t happen. When insurance companies fail to live up to the terms of their policies and unreasonably deny claims or delay payment, policyholders suffer. That’s when you need a tough attorney like the ones at Le & Kittleson, on your side.

We represent individual policyholders who are experiencing problems with a claim against policies such as:

  • Auto insurance
  • Liability insurance

If you need a law firm that will be relentless in achieving a result for you, call Le & Kittleson, today.

What Is Insurance Bad Faith?

Sometimes, an insurance company will deny a policyholder’s claim or offer a less-than-ideal settlement for a valid reason; for example, if the claim is outside of the terms of the policy. However, insurance companies often deny perfectly valid claims or offer inadequate compensation for no good reason. This is called insurance bad faith.

We Stay Strong And Fight For Compensation For Policyholders

Our firm is well known for tackling complex insurance. We have achieved exceptional results, obtaining millions of dollars in compensation for our clients. We have even tried cases resulting in multimillion-dollar verdicts for our clients. Le & Kittleson, stands up to the powerful insurance companies, giving a voice to the powerless and protecting the rights of all policyholders to good faith.

Contact Us To Make Your Insurer Keep Its Promises

Le & Kittleson, provides free consultations. Contact our Renton office to speak to one of our attorneys about how to make your insurance company fulfill the terms of your policy. To reach us, call 425-428-5972 or send an email.