Almost every driver that you see on the road is listening to something. Most people are listening to music. Some may be listening to podcasts or talking to passengers. But listening to music on the radio is incredibly common, and many people – seven out of every 10 drivers, according to one study – listen to it every day as they commute to and from work.
The music that these drivers choose can have a distinct impact on their driving abilities. In some cases, it could even cause a car accident. Why does this happen?
Aggressive driving
To begin with, researchers found that some types of music could encourage aggressive driving. As you may expect, this often means music that is faster and more aggressive in nature. It could also be a specific song that the driver has an emotional connection to, regardless of the style. Either way, the music that the driver hears influences how they feel, and they drive quickly or make aggressive and impulsive decisions.
Driver miscalculations
Researchers also noted that listening to music increased driver miscalculations. This is just another way of saying that drivers were more likely to make mistakes. This could be because music is a driving distraction. A driver who is singing along with the radio may not react as quickly to conditions around them.
Seeking compensation after car accidents
It is certainly not illegal for drivers to listen to music, but they need to ensure that they drive safely at the same time. If someone fails to do so and injures you in an accident, you need to know what options you have to seek financial compensation.