After a car accident, taking photos can be beneficial. These are helpful in proving fault, and they can help as you seek compensation and/or file an insurance claim.
But what picture should you take? This may be your first time being involved in a serious accident. Below are three areas that you should consider first.
1. Detail photos
For one thing, you do need to take detailed photos of specific damage to the car or injuries that people suffered. These details helped to prove that the damage or injury injuries were related to that specific accident. They can also help to demonstrate the severity.
2. Scene photos
Next, you need pictures from the crash scene itself. Try to get wider shots that encompass the nearby streets, traffic signals, the position of the vehicles and the like. You’re just trying to get images that will capture the immediate aftermath of the accident, which may help to demonstrate how the other driver caused that crash.
3. Information photos
Finally, take some photos of key information that will help you as you move forward. This could include the other driver’s insurance information, their registration, their contact information or their driver’s license. It could also include the license plate on their vehicle. You are supposed to exchange this type of contact information with the other driver, and taking pictures is a fast and easy way to do so.
Your next steps
Taking these photos may just be the first step in the process. If you suffered injuries in the accident and the other driver was responsible, you may need compensation for lost wages, medical bills and more. Be sure you know exactly what options you have.